
Boolberry command-line wallet application (simplewallet) can be run in RPC server mode. In this mode it can be controlled by RPC calls via HTTP and be used as a back-end for an arbitrary service.

Starting the wallet in RPC server mode:

  • 1. Run boolbd (the daemon application).
  • 2. Run simplewallet with the following options:

    simplewallet --wallet-file PATH_TO_WALLET_FILE --password PASSWORD --rpc-bind-ip RPC_IP --rpc-bind-port RPC_PORT --daemon-address DEAMON_ADDR:DAEMON_PORT


    PATH_TO_WALLET_FILE - path to an existing wallet file (should be created beforehand using--generate-new-walletcommand);
    PASSWORD - wallet password;
    RPC_IP - IP address to bind RPC server to ( will be used if not specified);
    RPC_PORT - TCP port for RPC server;
    DEAMON_ADDR:DAEMON_PORT - daemon address and port (may be omitted if the daemon is running on the same machine with the default settings);

Examples below are given with assumption that the wallet application is running in RPC server mode and listening at

All amounts and balances are represented as unsigned integers and measured in atomic units — the smallest fraction of a coin. One coin equals 108 atomic units.

List of RPC calls

  • getbalance

    Retrieves current wallet balance: total and unlocked.


    balance — unsigned integer; total amount of funds the wallet has (unlocked and locked coins).
    unlocked_balance — unsigned integer; unlocked funds, i.e. coins that are stored deep enough in the blockchain to be considered relatively safe to spend. Only this amount of coins are immediately spendable.
    unlocked_balance is always less or equal to balance.


    $ curl -s -H 'content-type:application/json;' --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"3","method":"getbalance"}'
     "id": "3",
     "jsonrpc": "2.0",
     "result": {
       "balance": 4631800000,
       "unlocked_balance": 4431900000
  • getaddress

    Obtains wallet public address.


    address — string; standard public address of the wallet


    $ curl -s -H 'content-type:application/json;' --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"3","method":"getaddress"}'
     "id": "3",
     "jsonrpc": "2.0",
     "result": {
       "address": "HcjASV5gT5zeABRWbWkTLj8c5vVkzDgyJfKXYQHAHvxS2qZaXke7VHP44jBsBpoDWJC2T4PSN6YEN2P3s9AVPcEWVdZZUx7"
  • transfer

    Creates a transaction and broadcasts it to the network.

    destinations — list of transfer_destination objects (see below); list of recipients with corresponding amount of coins for each.
    fee — unsigned int; transaction fee in atomic units. Minimum 105 atomic units, recommended 106 or 107.
    mixin — unsigned int; number of foreign outputs to be mixed in with each input. Increases untraceability. Use 0 for direct and traceable transfers.
    payment_id — string; hex-encoded payment id. Can be empty if payment id is not required for this transfer.

    transfer_destinationobject fields:
    address — string; standard or integrated address of a recipient.
    amount — unsigned int; amount of coins to be sent;

    tx_hash — string; hash identifier of the transaction that was successfully sent.


    Not enough money

    $ curl -s -H 'content-type:application/json;' --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"5","method":"transfer", "params":{"destinations":[{"address":"HcjASV5gT5zeABRWbWkTLj8c5vVkzDgyJfKXYQHAHvxS2qZaXke7VHP44jBsBpoDWJC2T4PSN6YEN2P3s9AVPcEWVdZZUx7", "amount":10000000000000}]}}'
     "error": {
       "code": -4,
       "message": "NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY"
     "id": "5",
     "jsonrpc": "2.0"

    Fee is too small

    $ curl -s -H 'content-type:application/json;' --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"5","method":"transfer", "params":{"destinations":[{"address":"HcjASV5gT5zeABRWbWkTLj8c5vVkzDgyJfKXYQHAHvxS2qZaXke7VHP44jBsBpoDWJC2T4PSN6YEN2P3s9AVPcEWVdZZUx7", "amount":100000000}], "fee":10}}'
     "error": {
       "code": -4,
       "message": "transaction was rejected by daemon"
     "id": "5",
     "jsonrpc": "2.0"

    Correct request

    $ curl -s -H 'content-type:application/json;' --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"5","method":"transfer", "params":{"destinations":[ {"address":"h9MPDxJCbEvHNSXkykzXzy7imqgsunmgn3KoHa1qn3PjEtcySfCTB6ea8YTCrXxZzS9aGBUSGTw1W5XFJGwJXjwUb7wdQ4c9dXM3Bz4ow4dD", "amount":100000000}, {"address":"HcjASV5gT5zeABRWbWkTLj8c5vVkzDgyJfKXYQHAHvxS2qZaXke7VHP44jBsBpoDWJC2T4PSN6YEN2P3s9AVPcEWVdZZUx7", "amount":200000000}], "fee":1000000, "mixin":0}}'
     "id": "5",
     "jsonrpc": "2.0",
     "result": {
       "tx_hash": "<138ba717c200167634a444b25a9f30251cbfd049052cfbcc63f31367d644d1f0>"
  • store

    Saves wallet update progress into a wallet file. Although progress is always saved upon graceful wallet application termination, with this call a user can manually trigger saving process. Otherwise, in a case of abnormal wallet application termination the progress won’t be saved and it will take some time to synchronize on the next launch.




    $ curl -s -H 'content-type:application/json;' --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"3","method":"store"}'
     "id": "3",
     "jsonrpc": "2.0",
     "result": {
  • get_payments

    Gets list of incoming transfers by a given payment id.

    payment_id — string; hex-encoded payment id.

    result — list of payments object.

    payments object fields:

    • amount — unsigned int; amount of coins in atomic units.
    • block_height — unsigned int; height of the block containing corresponding transaction.
    • block_height — unsigned int; height of the block containing corresponding transaction.
    • tx_hash — string; transaction hash.
    • unlock_time — unsigned int; if non-zero — unix timestamp after which this transfer coins can be spent. If it is less than 500000000, the value is treated as a minimum block height at which this transfer coin can be spent.


    $ curl -s -H 'content-type:application/json;' --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"5","method":"get_payments", "params":{"payment_id":"6162636465"}'
      "id": "5",
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": {
      "payments": [{
        "amount": 100000000000000,
        "block_height": 131944,
        "payment_id": "aaaa",
        "tx_hash": "176416cb542884e10f826627f87df6cf45a16039f913deb2e41f5f2d0647a96d",
        "unlock_time": 0
  • sweep_below

    Attempts to merge all outputs with amount less than specified and transfer it to a given address. RPC will try to collect as many outputs as possible thus a user may be required to run this RPC more than once in order to transfer all funds which meet amount criteria. On success generates one transaction.

    address — string; funds transfer destination. Integrated addresses are allowed if payment_id_hex is empty or unspecified.
    amount — unsigned integer; upper boundary for output amount. Outputs with less amount than specified value are considered as candidates to be included into the transaction.
    fee — unsigned integer; transaction fee.
    payment_id_hex — string (optional); payment identifier of the transaction.
    mixin — unsigned integer (optional); number of fake outputs to be mixed in with real ones for better untraceability. Default is zero.
    unlock_time — unsigned integer (optional); timestamp or block height in the future when generated transaction becomes spendable. Default if zero (no lock time).

    amount_swept — unsigned integer; sum of output amounts that were actually swept, i.e. transferred to the given address.
    amount_total — unsigned integer; total sum of all output amounts satisfying amount criteria that were present in the wallet prior to this operation.
    outs_swept — unsigned integer; number of outputs that were actually swept, i.e. transferred to the given address.
    outs_total — unsigned integer; total number of all outputs satisfying amount criteria that were present in the wallet prior to this operation. If outs_swept equals to outs_total it means that all such outputs were successfully swept. Otherwise a user may want to call this method again to take care of left outputs..
    tx_hash — string; hash identifier of generated transaction.


    Using only required inputs

    $ curl -s -H 'content-type:application/json;' --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"3","method":"sweep_below", "params" : {"address" : "1LHWBr8ZJL7QYSupDzdzkSRPiVp7n5brhDWHcWPjSifGcRKHYCQuG1S7XedbS1vQrn7GC3u2HbUL3SWcd5rbKY2FT32Vtkm", "fee":10000000, "amount":10000000000000}}'
      "id": "3",
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": {
        "amount_swept": 233274242000000,
        "amount_total": 59050073447000000,
        "outs_swept": 266,
        "outs_total": 65288,
        "tx_hash": "81850227ea4c96ed88b47bca954213098f97db94118e2289e9ace7eac27e1db5"

    Using all inputs

    $ curl -s -H 'content-type:application/json;' --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"3","method":"sweep_below", "params" : {"address" : "1LHWBr8ZJL7QYSupDzdzkSRPiVp7n5brhDWHcWPjSifGcRKHYCQuG1S7XedbS1vQrn7GC3u2HbUL3SWcd5rbKY2FT32Vtkm", "fee":10000000, "amount":10000000000000, "mixin": 1, "payment_id_hex":"aabbcc", "unlock_time":110000}}'
      "id": "3",
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": {
        "amount_swept": 137561033000000,
        "amount_total": 58820073437000000,
        "outs_swept": 133,
        "outs_total": 65029,
        "tx_hash": "1c3cc18ad5aa3434d85e265507dd0edceca52a7349e31c97dae79b5221b38142"

    Error (blockchain doesn’t contain enough outputs for mixing in)

    $ curl -s -H 'content-type:application/json;' --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"3","method":"sweep_below", "params" : {"address" : "1LHWBr8ZJL7QYSupDzdzkSRPiVp7n5brhDWHcWPjSifGcRKHYCQuG1S7XedbS1vQrn7GC3u2HbUL3SWcd5rbKY2FT32Vtkm", "fee":10000000, "amount":10000000000000, "mixin": 10}}'
      "error": {
        "code": -4,
        "message": "not enough outputs to mix"
      "id": "3",
      "jsonrpc": "2.0"

    Error (there are no such outputs in the wallet)

    $ curl -s -H 'content-type:application/json;' --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"3","method":"sweep_below", "params" : {"address" : "1LHWBr8ZJL7QYSupDzdzkSRPiVp7n5brhDWHcWPjSifGcRKHYCQuG1S7XedbS1vQrn7GC3u2HbUL3SWcd5rbKY2FT32Vtkm", "fee":10000000, "amount":1000}}'
      "error": {
        "code": -4,
        "message": "No spendable outputs meet the criterion"
      "id": "3",
      "jsonrpc": "2.0"

  • get_bulk_payments

    Gets list of incoming transfers by given payment IDs.

    payment_ids — array of strings; hex-encoded payment IDs.
    min_block_height — integer; minimum block height.

    payments — list of payment_details object.
    min_block_height — integer; minimum block height.

    Fields of payment_details object:
    payment_id — string; hex-encoded payment ID.
    tx_hash — string; transaction hash identifier.
    amount — integer; transfer amount.
    block_height — integer; height of a block containing corresponding transaction.
    unlock_time — integer; transaction unlock time.


    $ curl -s -H 'content-type:application/json;' --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"5","method":"get_bulk_payments", "params":{"payment_ids":["aaaa", "bbbb"]}'
      "id": "5",
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": {
      "payments": [{
        "amount": 100000000000000,
        "block_height": 131944,
        "payment_id": "aaaa",
        "tx_hash": "176416cb542884e10f826627f87df6cf45a16039f913deb2e41f5f2d0647a96d",
        "unlock_time": 0
  • get_transfers

    Retrieves filtered list of transfers.

    in — boolean; if true then incoming transactions will be taken into account.
    out — boolean; if true then outgoing transactions will be taken into account.
    pending — boolean; not supported yet, will be ignored.
    failed — boolean; not supported yet, will be ignored.
    pool — boolean; if true then unconfirmed in/out txs will be taken into account.
    filter_by_height — boolean; if true then transfers will be filtered by block height.
    min_height — integer; minimum block height (including).
    max_height — integer; maximum block height (including).

    in — list of wallet_transfer_info objects, corresponding to incoming transactions;
    out — list of wallet_transfer_info objects, corresponding to outgoing transactions.
    pool — list of wallet_transfer_info objects, corresponding to unconfirmed transactions.

    Fields of wallet_transfer_info object:
    amount — integer; transfer amount.
    timestamp — integer; transaction timestamp.
    tx_hash — string; transaction identifier.
    height — integer; corresponding block height (zero means unconfirmed).
    unlock_time — integer; transaction unlock time.
    tx_blob_size — integer; transaction size in bytes.
    payment_id — string; hex-encoded payment ID.
    destinations — string; destination address or addresses.
    destination_alias — string; destination alias that was used (if any).
    is_income — boolean; true if this transfer is an incoming transfer.
    fee — integer; transaction fee.
    td — object of wallet_transfer_info_details object (see below).

    wallet_transfer_info_details fields:
    rcv — list of integers; indices of received transfers.
    spn — list of integers; indices of spent transfers.


    $ curl -s -H 'content-type:application/json;' --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"5","method":"get_transfers", "params":{"out":True}'
      "id": "5",
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": {
      "out": [{
        "amount": 1000000000000,
        "destination_alias": "",
        "destinations": "1LHWBr8ZJL7QYSupDzdzkSRPiVp7n5brhDWHcWPjSifGcRKHYCQuG1S7XedbS1vQrn7GC3u2HbUL3SWcd5rbKY2FT32Vtkm",
        "fee": 0,
        "height": 90050,
        "is_income": false,
        "payment_id": "",
        "td": {
          "spn": [1000000000000]
        "timestamp": 1538121147,
        "tx_blob_size": 264,
        "tx_hash": "52668b38d70e5456ff578d29749ac141beac7e4410935941d86d1761e4615901",
        "unlock_time": 0
  • convert_address

    Converts standard address into an integrated address and vica versa.

    Inputs and outputs:
    address_str — string; standard address.
    payment_id_hex — string; hex-encoded payment id.
    integrated_address_str — string; integrated address.

    This RPC does conversion both ways:

    1) if address_str and payment_id_hex are both given they are combined into integrated_address_str.
    2) if integrated_address_str is given it's split into address_str and payment_id_hex.

    Standard address and payment ID into an integrated address

    $ curl -s -H 'content-type:application/json;' --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"5","method":"convert_address", "params":{"address_str":"1LHWBr8ZJL7QYSupDzdzkSRPiVp7n5brhDWHcWPjSifGcRKHYCQuG1S7XedbS1vQrn7GC3u2HbUL3SWcd5rbKY2FT32Vtkm", "payment_id_hex":"aabbcc"}}'
      "id": "5",
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": {
      "address_str": "",
      "integrated_address_str": "bbRAmEkwnXj4UdFUPFAPE64EBsvTz2MGwWbuWoxdjyJKaXnuR4rd2jNfhpiBgBX6aYXmEw7XtWQpEVSh35jrfUUfdVsutRe5o6TAm9",
      "payment_id_hex": ""

    Integrated address into a standard address and payment ID

    $ curl -s -H 'content-type:application/json;' --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"5","method":"convert_address", "params":{"integrated_address_str":"bbRAmEkwnXj4UdFUPFAPE64EBsvTz2MGwWbuWoxdjyJKaXnuR4rd2jNfhpiBgBX6aYXmEw7XtWQpEVSh35jrfUUfdVsutRe5o6TAm9"}}'
      "id": "5",
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": {
      "address_str": "1LHWBr8ZJL7QYSupDzdzkSRPiVp7n5brhDWHcWPjSifGcRKHYCQuG1S7XedbS1vQrn7GC3u2HbUL3SWcd5rbKY2FT32Vtkm",
      "integrated_address_str": "",
      "payment_id_hex": "aabbcc"